CUSS YEAH! A Wes Anderson Homage

I walked over to Stardust Video & Coffee when I got a text from Terry saying she was there. The cardboard decorations for the Wes Anderson themed costume party were pretty amazing. There was a ten foot long Jaguar Shark and a yellow submarine that had Styrofoam container port holes. Blue fabric draped from metal ceiling rafters offered ocean waves. Pink fish schooled through the room. The entire room was an amazing homage to The Life Aquatic. An entire wall was retro fitted into a cardboard flank of a nautical research vessel. A faux campfire burned warmly on a small stage in the center of the room. I spotted Terry across the room near the bar and I walked over. Having just seen Moonrise Kingdom, I can say I am a true Wes Anderson fan. I felt absolute pleasure from the familiar Wes camera mores and grid structure staging in the film. The story was a hart warming delight. It was a solid 10! Go SEE it, and rediscover the innocence of love.

Terry wanted to have dinner, but I had eaten enough at the craft night prior to the party. She went to order food and I started sketching. I worked fast, but not fast enough. I sipped a beer and sketched while she ate and looked at her iPhone. I blended right in with my hand crafted red skull cap and blue striped uniform. I admired the amazing number of men and women who pulled off the same look, many to much better effect. Many of the women had on fox ears and tails in homage to  The Fantastic Mr. Fox. What woman wouldn’t mind being called a fox? Kathryn Sullivan and Mike Underwood in his blue Speedo underwear strolled in and caused a fair commotion with their lavish and minimalist costumes. Doug Rhodehamel was draped in a giant Royal Tenenbaums banner. Doug had done all the cardboard decorations for the evening. My favorite costume went to a young girl who dressed as a nude Natalie Portman. Her hair was cut just right and her skin tight body stocking was barely noticeable at first glance.

I finished the sketch by the time Terry was done eating. I helped her finish off a few fries. She hadn’t considered a costume, so when she finished eating, she wanted to go. She was overstimulated and didn’t know anyone, so we left.