Realto Beach

A fellow gust at the bead and breakfast we stayed at said he saw a sea otter out among the kelp beds. I searched for some time with binoculars but couldn’t find the sea otter. The B&B had a gorgeous cottage style garden that filled the quarter acre back yard. In the morning 5 deer were wandering the yard eating the grass and other delectable s. From the B&B we headed down the coast of Washington State. I started the day driving but again I became drowsy seeing the road rushing at me all morning. Terry drove for the final leg as we approached this pebbled beach.
Realto beach was covered with flat disk shaped stones that are all perfect for skipping across the water. Terry went for a walk as I started this sketch. It was super windy and cold so I hunkered down behind a large piece of driftwood to stay warm. There was a constant flow of people walking up and down the beach but trust me no one went in the water. Stark pine tree skeletons which looked like fish skeletons, lined the edge of the beach and huge pine driftwood was everywhere. A harbor seal poked his head out above the surf and watched what I was doing with some suspicion. Just as I was finishing up a fine misty rain started so I had to close the sketchbook even though the paint wasn’t dry yet. You can probably still pick out some of these Rorschach blots if you look close enough.

2 thoughts on “Realto Beach

  1. I've always wanted to visit the Pacific Northwest. I am so enjoying getting to see it through your eyes.

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