B. Fuller’s Morter & Pestle

Fremont Avenue in Seattle was founded by hippies and artists. It is the self proclaimed center of the universe and a MASH style signpost points to cities in all corners of the World and Universe. Newer shops are now offering high priced boutique items and the artists are being driven out to establish a new artsy neighborhood.
A huge outdoor market with perhaps 50 or so tents was going on and anything could be found from a used doll or old record to vintage clothing. B. Fullers tonics and cold drinks caught my eye. To do the sketch I had to stand right out in the flow of endledd foot traffic which was intimidating but once the sketch began to take shape I lost track of where I was. One of the proprietors offered me a free sample, and the tea was light and tasty. Some people looked over my shoulder but as usual when I was fully concentrating, few people interrupted. One person did ask if I liked the tea and I offered a rave review which convinced the costumer to order a sip. I felt I had earned my keep in helping to promote this unique tea shop.
It was exciting to be part of this bustling activity which goes on every weekend on Fremont Avenue. The weather was cool and inviting with the sun offering just enough warmth. The variety of people and situations offers an endlessly fascinating sketching opportunity.