Central Florida Packer Backers

Brian a reader of Analog Artist Digital World suggested I do a sketch of the Central Florida Packer Backers. He tempted me with an offer of free beer while I drew. How could I pass up an offer like that?
As I approached One Eyed Jack’s, at 15 North Orange, I heard the crowd shouting from a block away. When I entered, I stood for a few minutes at the entrance to let my eyes adjust to the dim lighting. Next to the door was a paving stone which fans rubbed for good luck. The stone was a duplicate of a stone that the club had donated to the paving outside Lambeau field. Football fans are a superstitious crowd. The club also supplies Packers tee shirts to the homeless in town. This was a fun crowd and they can be found every Sunday at One Eyed Jacks at Wall Street Plaza downtown during the football season, I don’t know where you would find them the rest of the year.
I was facing a huge crowd that filled every seat in the bar. Most fans had on green and yellow Packers Jerseys. Brian came over and introduced himself. he suggested I get up on the stage where bands usually play and I took his suggestion since it gave me a good view over the crowd.
While sketching I didn’t have time to follow the games score. I know the packers were playing the Cincinnati Bengals and it was a close game. Periodically music would fill the bar and the whole crowd would shout “Go Pack Go!”
At halftime, a line of fans formed and each tried to kick a field goal with a beach ball sized inflatable football through a 5 foot high yellow inflatable goal post. I had to move since I was seated on the stage right behind the goal post. In hindsight that was actually the safest place to sit since so few got the ball close to the goal posts. Most fans kicked the ball into the rafters but 2 managed to get it right between the posts. Some kicks sent the ball flying out into the crowd. The announcer said ” Watch your drinks everyone!”. Wouldn’t you know the next kick landed the ball right on a table spilling 2 drinks.
I am tempted to become a rabid Packers fan, but I would need to get a green jersey. The game ended with an agonizing defeat when the referee claimed the game was over before the last play began.

MS 150 Bike Ride

I got a tip from Robyn a friend who is helping raise money to battle MS by riding in the MS 150 which is a bike ride that raises money for Multiple Sclerosis. MS is a horrible disease that slowly causes the loss of muscle control. The ride started at 7 AM at Bok Tower Gardens and ended at Caribe Royale Hotel in Orlando. I decided to make my way to the finish line to do my sketch. The finish line can be seen in my sketch way in the background at that tower of red balloons. I became instantly fascinated with this massage Triage tent where cyclists lined up to have their aching muscles soothed.
To the left of this massage tent was a huge area where hundreds of bicycles were stored and teams of cyclists gathered at tables celebrating the end of a very long ride.
The excitement around this event raised my interest again in bike riding. I may just have to get my bike repaired so I can take it on the road again. Right now my bike is hanging upside down from the garage ceiling with some broken spokes and flat tires. It deserves the freedom to explore the open roads again.