Halloween Drink and Draw

I have a soft spot for all things Cos Play.This Drink and Draw hosted by the AIGA was held at the Barley and Vine Biergarten 2406 E Washington St, Orlando FL.

All the artists circled up on an outdoor patio using available wooden stools. Spiderman being a superhero wasn’t content to pose standing on the tile floor, but he instead posed on tables and stood on stools.This was a great sketching opportunity although much of my time was spent sketching my fellow artists.

I only sign sketches when I post them online and somehow this one slipped through the cracks.

My short film, COVID Dystopia was accepted to another film festival but I can’t announce which one until October 23. Since I will be flying between 3 film festivals in the coming month, I will likely start posting more COVID Dystopia “making of” articles to help promote the film in the various cities where it will be shown. One festival screening is strictly virtual which makes sense for my film. It will be good to know that no one will get infected with COVID while watching COVID Dystopia. Since my screening is virtual, I am debating if I should travel to the city where the in person festival is being held. I suspect I will, since I want to be open to any chance encounter.

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