Disney Feature Animation Internship: Hagar the Horrible

Chris Brown the creator of Hagar the Horrible came to the Disney Feature Animation Studio to give a talk.I think I have a sketch of Hagar somewhere in my art archives. Chris could dash those drawing off every minute.

We also watched the movie Alive which I liked. I had also read the book, so I was excited to see it brought to life. It was a rather dark movie to be showing Disney cartoonists but I like dark. I wish more animation would push the limits of humanities inner demons.

I was toying with two ideas for the final project. In one Baloo interacted with a balloon. In the other a fire broke out and Baloo pulls an elephant’s trunk to squirt water on the fire. I went with the second idea. The final result would not be winning any Oscars. The important thing was to commit and get it done. I do think it was that commitment to even the silliest idea that they were truly looking for. Looking back I really should have had Baloo survive a plane crash in the Andes mountains by eating other cartoon characters. Had I gone that route, I would have likely not been hired.

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