Disney Feature Animation Internship: Walk in the Park 2

This is another sketch done in Disney World on a day off from animating. I had finished a third animation assignment and just wanted to walk and sketch to clear my head.There is nothing like direct observation to calm the nerves and clear the head.

This is the entrance to the Pirates of the Caribbean. I did go inside and sail around the attraction before deciding to do this sketch. I do believe the Tiki Room was right behind me. I loved the Tiki Room. Those animatronic parrots are so simply animated, but the experience was magical.

Flash forward to today and OUC: The Incompetence One, turned off my power after I had paid the bill two weeks ago. On April Fools Day when I moved in to this studio, they also cut off my power even though I had signed up online and in person. They mailed my checks to an address I was at 8 years ago. When they sent me a bill I paid it immediately. Dealing with the phone robots is an infuriating experience they have no sense of humor and put me on hold for well over an hour. I think the OUC robots simply do not understand anything that is not digital like a check. I have decided I have to get out of Orlando just to get away from OUC. Dealing with power company robots is my idea of absolute hell. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!