Retina Pre-Op

A friend drove me to Central Florida Retina for a Pre-op check in. My left eye is distorting images so that I end up seeing double with both eyes open. For now I tend to close my left eye when sketching and when typing.

We went from one small waiting room to another small waiting room neither of which had HEPA air filtration. Ironically in the second waiting room the news station on the TV was featuring a story about Long COVID. The volume was down so I didn’t hear what was being covered. Two others in the room were masked.

This was certainly an older demographic of patients waiting to be seen. The guy in the corner of the room was busy on his iPad but using it seemed foreign to him. He poked at the screen like he was trying to kill a bug.

Then he took a phone call and shouted into the phone. I don’t think he had any idea how loud he was shouting. He then needed to look up a contact and didn’t know how to do it. My friend stepped in and showed him how to find the contacts list. After the call he started talking to her about his past. He was from Jamaica and went though many screenings before being able to immigrate to America. He was annoyed that illegal immigrants were making that process more cumbersome. Then he said he should have listened to his mother. The only reason he was loosing his eye sight was because he had looked at too many Penthouse magazines. I must say he made the wait far more interesting.

Everything that was done at this appointment had been done several weeks prior. I learned nothing new. The only possible reason for this second appointment would be to bill the insurance company again. Anyway my eye surgery is in a week. Hopefully it will correct the distortions I am experiencing. I will wear an eye patch for a day and then I hope the vision will slowly recover. I was also warned that because of the surgery I will likely develop a yellowish have over time. If you see me doing more yellow paintings, you now know why.