90% of Children Infected by COVID

Based on a study by the Centers of Disease Control (CDC), 90% 0f American children have been infected with COVID-19 along with over half of the adult population. Those figures do not include the numbers of people infected during the huge Omicron wave of last January 2022. Children were hit particularly hard by COVID during the Omicron wave of last winter 2022. 140 million blood samples were tested. The study looked for the existence of antibodies and could differentiate between antibodies produced by infection as opposed to a vaccine.

As of January 5, 2023 there were over 15 million children reported to have had COVID-19. As of January 11, 2023, there have been 634 deaths among children 0-4 years old, 986 deaths for kids 5-18 years old, 43,634 death between 19-34, 225,014 death for ages 45-64 , 246,715 death between 65-74 and 574,218 deaths for those 75 and older.

Some folks honestly believe that children are immune to COVID. This is false. People were fed this falsehood in order to get children to crowd into poorly ventilated classrooms. Children do become infected with the new coronavirus, and they do get sick, some of them seriously sick , and children can die from Covid-19. Almost half of children who contract covid-19 may have lasting symptoms. They can suffer the same long lasting symptoms as adults who “recover”. Symptoms of Long COVID include, include fatigue, muscle and joint pain, headache, insomnia, respiratory problems and heart palpitations.

The first study of long COVID in children suggests that more than half of children aged between 6 and 16 years old who contract the virus have at least one symptom lasting more than 120 days, with 42.6 per cent impaired by these symptoms during daily activities. The UK Office for National Statistics‘s latest report estimates that 12.9 per cent of UK children aged 2 to 11, and 14.5 per cent of children aged 12 to 16, still have symptoms five weeks after their first infection.