Love Fest was an outdoor festival held on Sunday March 8, 2020 outside the Quantum Leap Winery (1312 Wilfred Drive Orlando, FL 32803). There is a magnificent grassy knoll at this spot filled with Live Oak trees whose branches cut up the sky in a pattern of light and dark.
What is Love Fest?
The word says it all. A festival all about love.
Love for each other.
Love for the universe.
Love for food, music and art.
So come feel the love!
Love of self – Fitness instructors, yoga, self-awareness, body products, clothes, jewelry, etc.
Love of others – Jewelry, flowers, gifts, couples massages, oils, wedding planners, Dating websites, hotels, travel companies, etc.
Love of Community – Non-profits, organic gardening, Mills 50, volunteering, etc.
Love of Music – Local Bands – All genres
Love of Art – Local Artists – All types
Love of Food – Food trucks, vendors – Chocolates, pastries, anything goes
Love of Beer – Great craft beers
Love of Spirits – Lots of spirits
Love of the World – Recycling, pedestrian-ism, bike enthusiasts.
Pam Schwartz and I sat on the curb and I sketched the collection of tents under the gnarly branches. Pam got us both drinks and I sipped as I sketched. Actually, I forgot about the drink and glugged it down when the sketch was done. A little girl checked back on me multiple times as I worked on the sketch. She is an artist and wanted to see the progress. On tree I drew had a strange growth pattern. One branch shot off to the right and another looped down and off to the left. The little girl pointed out that it looks a bit like an elephant. A bull dog had the longest tongue I have ever seen and he panted in the heat.
On March 8, 2020, the day this sketch was done, the CDC recommended avoiding travel on cruise ships worldwide for those with underlying health conditions and for persons over 65 years old. From February to March 2020, Covid-19 outbreaks associated with three cruise ship voyages had caused more than 800 laboratory-confirmed cases among passengers and crew, including 10 deaths. Transmission occurred across multiple voyages of several ships. On March 8, 2020 there were 219 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the United States.